Data Protection Policy:
Data Storage:
Any data which contains personal information – is referred to as personal data (this includes physical address, email address, telephone number and any given bank account details) of a member. This personal data will be stored on a cloud-based location which has been shown as compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulations. The selected provider which meets these criteria is Dropbox.
Membership forms will be retained for the period of membership and will be held securely.
Other information which is pertinent to the running of the East Woodhay Society (EWS), such as minutes, newsletters, photos, agendas, event publicity etc. may be stored on personal computers and also published on media such as the website, Facebook page and others, as appropriate.
Personal Data Access:
This personal data will only be accessed by approved, specific members of the committee, as per that detailed in their job descriptions: chair,secretary,treasurer.
Data Retention:
Personal data will be retained for members of the EWS. Lapsed members will have their details removed from EWS records after a year or sooner if explicitly requested.
Personal Data Usage:
This data will not be shared with any other body or organisation. EWS will use this data to send out newsletters and other information and to contact members as per the aims of the society.
Data Authorisation
By being a member of the society, you are agreeing to this Data Policy and this will be explicitly indicated on the membership slips. In the first year an email is sent to all members to obtain this approval and this record is maintained as per that defined in Data Storage above.