St Martin's Primary School - East End

Extract from St Martin’s website, link below……


St Martin’s is a small rural school consisting of five classes located in the beautiful village of East End, only five miles from Newbury. We are incredibly proud of our strong Christian ethos and special family atmosphere which permeates all that we do in our school. We recognise that every child is unique, and value each one as an individual, providing them with a secure and friendly learning environment in which they are nurtured and encouraged to develop their own skills and talents.

For the latest Ofsted report click here

For St Martin’s Primary School website click here

We wanted to share with you a few of our current initiatives, in the hope that you may be able to support us! 

Bukuya School

St Martin's School has a link to Bukuya School in Uganda, which was established in 2006 through the Whitchurch Deanery.  In summer 2019, a school family visited Bukuya and found many of the buildings old and in need of repair. We shared photos from this visit in worship and it was clear we ALL wanted to help.  Therefore we pledged to raise £1500 for a much needed new 4-hole latrine (a set of four squat toilets).  The children started their fund raising on World Toilet Day, collected money at our St Martin’s Day and Christmas services and set up a crowd funding page on the internet.  This received amazing support and we are delighted to have reached our £1500 target!  However the children want to do more.  They have just set their sights on another £1000 to pay for metal windows to protect the classrooms at Bukuya from termites.  More information is available on the crowd funding page:

Children down Road.png


Terracycling is a growing initiative which involves recycling items traditionally not recyclable.  After learning about it in whole school worship, the children were keen to get involved.  Initially, we wanted to terracycle everything but, after taking advice, we decided to start small, with crisp packets – all crisp, popcorn and pretzel packets are eligible and they don’t need to be washed. There are now special bins in our school for crisp packets and this month we started collecting from local residents.  We will be at the Woolton Hill Village Market on Saturday 28th March and would love to see you with any contributions!  

 Charity Point

Last year our School Council set up a Charity Collection Point.  We are currently collecting stamps, ink cartridges, milk bottle tops and foreign currency/old coins.  This is already having a positive impact.  For example, just before Christmas, we raised over £60 by recycling old ink cartridges - great news for the Macmillan Cancer Research (the charity we donated them for) as well as for our environment!  We would be very grateful for any donations and will be collecting them, along with crisp packets, at the Woolton Hill Village market.

 We are incredibly proud of the children at our school and the positive impact they are having on our world at a local, national and global level!

 If you would like to find out more about our school, get involved with any of these projects or would be interested in helping and supporting our school in any way, please get in contact with the School Office.  We would be delighted to welcome you into school!


Tel: 01635 597796